GRAY GRISTMILL is a store specialized in specialty coffee located in Garosu-gil, Seoul.
GRAY means “the color that makes a subject stand out the most.”
In other words, it is a cafe based on a new concept:
to make each customer who visits our store to stand out.
GRISTMILL means that we make all things ours with sincerity.

Also, to make the best coffee for each customer, great baristas who are serious about coffee,
including Barista,
came together to roast, distribute, and train coffee here.

How we produce

Coffee beans: We only have micro-lot and specialty coffees,
and we visit producers to select coffee directly.
We select excellent coffee through cupping.
After a number of sample roastings and testings, we keep stable roasting profiles.
Then, we roast according to the most consistent and regular schedule.

Product: All coffee bean products are screened for defected beans before they are packaged.
Then, we pack them in 15g, 20g, 200g, and 500gs packages made just for our beans with love and care.
We regularly replace the beans to maintain the freshness.

In addition, MD products are carefully selected and sold to reflect our own vibe and colors.

Roasting process

First, we select specialty and micro-lot coffees and sample roast them.
Then we categorize the dates per roasting cycle, conduct coffee cupping, identify
and save the best coffee profile.
We roast the beans in a 15kg Loring Kesteral since it can roast the beans most stably.
We do our best for each one of our customers. When designing roasting,
we focus on the characteristics to share the impressive memories of coffee.
We continue to research and develop profiles.

Coffee beans quality control

Baristas share and study extraction recipes every day.
Furthermore, our baristas visit our partners who use our coffee in their cafes to help them manage coffee.
To bring up the quality of coffee, which is the most important element, we take the local water quality into account when designing roasting.
We are putting a lot of effort into self-inspection by using the quality control table.